Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

The Runtime project organized the Euro-Par 2011 conference in August in Bordeaux.

Emmanuel Jeannot and Raymond Namyst are chairs and organizers of the 17th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2011)

Raymond Namyst is vice-chair of the Research and Training Department in Mathematics and Computer Science (UFR Math-Info) of the University of Bordeaux 1. He is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the University of Bordeaux 1

Raymond Namyst is the head of the LaBRI-CNRS “SATANAS” (Runtime systems and algorithms for high performance numerical applications) research team (about. 50 people) that includes the Bacchus , Hiepacs and Runtime INRIA groups.

Raymond Namyst chairs the scientific committee of the ANR “Numerical Models” program for the 2011-2013 period.

Raymond Namyst serves as an expert for the following initiatives/institutions:

  • EESI (European Exascale Software Initiative, since 2010) ;

  • CEA/DAM (as a “scientific advisor” for the 2008-2010 period) ;

  • CEA-EDF-INRIA School technical committee (since 2009) ;

  • GENCI (http://www.genci.fr/?lang=en , since 2009) ;

  • ORAP (http://www.irisa.fr/ORAP/ , as the INRIA representative since 2010) ;

In 2011, Raymond Namyst was co-chair of topic “Architecture and Networks” for the SuperComputing (SC) conference.

Raymond Namyst has been reviewer for the PhD dissertation of Swann Perarnau (University of Grenoble) and Christiane Pousa (University of Grenoble). He served as a member of the jury for the PhD defense of Souad Koliaï (University of Versailles Saint Quentin) and Fabrice Dupros (BRGM, Orleans).

Raymond Namyst was a program committee member of the following international conferences: SC11, EuroMPI 2011, CASS 2011, PMEA 2011, A4MMC 2011.

Brice Goglin is member of the following program committees: SuperComputing 2012, EuroMPI 2011 and 2012, ISPAN 2011. He was also a reviewer for PLDI 2011 and CCGrid 2011 conferences, the CASS 2011 workshop, and the JPDC journal.

Denis Barthou has served as topic chair for Euro-par 2011 conference, has been member of the external review commitee of IEEE/ACM PLDI 2011, member of the program committee of SMART 2011.

Denis Barthou has been reviewer of the PhD dissertation of Guillaume Rizk (University of Rennes 1), Samir Ammenouche (University of Versailles Saint Quentin) and has been member of the qualifying exam for the PhD of Alexandre Duchateau (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign).

Denis Barthou was involved in the reviewing process of one ANR project proposal for the call “`Infrastructures matérielles et logicielles pour la société numérique”. He serves as expert in the Exascale Research Lab.

Guillaume Mercier is member of the CCGrid 2011 program comittee and was involved in the reviewing process for the Computer and Fluids Journal.

Olivier Aumage was involved in the reviewing process of two ANR project proposals for the call “Infrastructures matérielles et logicielles pour la société numérique”. He was also involved in the reviewing process of JPDC and Parallel Computing journals.

Emmanuel Jeannot is member of the steering committee and the direction committee of the ADT Aladdin-G5K and serves as head of the Bordeaux site since October 2009.

Emmanuel Jeannot has been reviewer of the PhD dissertation of Alexandru Dobilla (Université de Franche-Comté) and Robbert Higgins (University College Dublin, Ireland).

Emmanuel Jeannot served as reviewers of following journals: IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Dist. Syst., Parallel computing, Computing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.

Emmanuel Jeannot is member of the steering committee of the IEEE cluster conference.

Emmanuel Jeannot is associate editor of the International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems.

Emmanuel Jeannot is member of the program committee of IPDPS 2012, heteropar 2011, PPAM, Cluster 2011 and Renpar 20 conferences.

Samuel Thibault is member of the program committee of HPCVirt. He was also involved in the reviewing process of the JPDC, SPE, and CCPE journals.